Children's helmets have different safety issues than adult helmets. This is why we took care to create a helmet for children that has no internal contact points with the soft tissues of the growing child's head. Met Genio helmets are shaped to let kids stand up straight while sitting on the bike saddle. The built-in insect netting on the Met Genio keeps insects and other small items out of the helmet, where they belong.
- Weight: 250 g.
- Outer shell construction: In-Mould.
- Inner shell: Shock absorbing polystyrene.
- Chin strap buckle: Anti-pinch buckle.
- Straps and Divider: Anti-slip cam divider.
- Fit system: Safe-T E-Twist.
- Visor: Integrated visor for more protection.
- Comfort: Anti-allergenic interior padding. Hand washable.
- Be seen: Reflective rear stickers, integrated rear LED light.
- Accessories: In-moulded anti-insect net.
- Compatibility: Bimbi plus. Optimized ergonomics for child seats. Bimbi Secure. Fontanel protection.
- Certifications: CE, AS/NZ.
- Recommended age: 3 - 8 years old.
- A cm 52-57
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